Saturday, November 26, 2016

Thanksgiving Weekend, Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals

I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving! We enjoyed visiting with family and eating way too much yummy food! The weather was great, so the kids enjoyed lots of outside time! We are continuing our Thanksgiving break with getting things done around the house, decorating for Christmas, and going to visit with friends. Hubby and I did a little Black Friday shopping as well, and knocked out a few Christmas gifts!

Speaking of Black Friday, I have a Young Living Essential Oils deal that I'd like to share with you! I'm doing one big Flash Sale (combining all the 'deal' days: Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday)! :) 

In addition to receiving a FREE essential oil reference book and a FREE 5ml bottle of Lemon Vitality Essential Oil from me, don't forget about the November Promos that Young Living is offering as well!

You will receive the freebies from me if you order by midnight on Monday night! Young Living's Premium Starter Kit gives you the "most bang for your buck", and is a great way to get started with essential oils! Use this link, and sign up as a wholesale member to order your Premium Starter Kit:

Your account will include the following:

* Wholesale Pricing (24% off retail pricing on all orders)

* Essential Rewards (optional, but so worth it to get points for FREE products)

* Community (Enjoy a close-knit community of support. In addition to your sponsor, the entire Young Living family is ready to assist and encourage you in your journey.)

* Education (Young Living provides ongoing health education opportunities through conventions, seminars, and newsletters to keep you informed and assist you in your wellness progress.)

* Generous Compensation (If you choose to build a business!)

* Access to my Private Facebook group for additional support from me and our team.

As always, feel free to comment on this post or email me with any questions! 'Like' my public Facebook page to keep up with Young Living news (and new posts on this blog)!

Have a wonderful weekend!

~ jenn ~

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Homemade Gifts Using Essential Oils

If you're like me, you like to give homemade gifts for Christmas. This year, I plan to incorporate some gifts using Young Living Essential Oils into my gift giving. Here are some 'recipes' I plan to try!

To order any essential oils used in these recipes, click here to get my Young Living ordering site.

For more information regarding essential oils, read around on this blog. As always, you may contact me with any questions or comments! Lastly, visit our Facebook page for all things Happy.Healthy.Oily!

Have a fabulous Thanksgiving week!

~ jenn ~

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

November 2016 Promotions

100 PV

Place one single order with 100 PV value, through essential rewards and, in addition to what you ordered, you will receive the following promotional item:

*Peppermint Vitality, 5 ml —Peppermint Vitality essential oil has a bright, cool flavor, with benefits that include gastrointestinal comfort and normal digestion support, in addition to its great taste.* Retail 13.16, Wholesale 10.00

*Peppermint Vitality, 5 ml, is provided as a promo item when the total pv requirement is ordered through essential rewards.

190 PV

Place one single order with a 190 pv value, either through essential rewards or *quick order and, in addition to what you ordered, you will receive the following promotional items:
christmasspiritChristmas Spirit, 5 ml —Christmas Spirit is a sweet, spicy blend of orange, cinnamon, and spruce essential oils that tap into the happiness, joy, and security associated with the holiday season. With Christmas Spirit on hand, simply open a bottle and start diffusing! Retail 13.49, Wholesale 10.25
peppermint_vitality*Peppermint Vitality, 5 ml —Peppermint Vitality essential oil has a bright, cool flavor, with benefits that include gastrointestinal comfort and normal digestion support, in addition to its great taste.* Retail 13.16, Wholesale 10.00
ERPoints*Twenty Essential Reward Points —twenty essential reward points will be available to use on or around December 20, 2016.
*Peppermint Vitality, 5 ml and 20 essential reward points are provided as a promo item when the total pv requirement is ordered through essential rewards.

250 PV

Place one single order with a 250 pv value, either through essential rewards or *quick order and, in addition to what you ordered, you will receive the following promotional items:
frankincenseFrankincense, 15 ml —Frankincense essential oil has an earthy, uplifting aroma that’s perfect for grounding and spiritual connectedness. Create a safe and comforting environment when you diffuse or inhale this empowering oil—a perfect opportunity to collect your thoughts. When you seek purpose or engage in prayer or meditation, use this oil to enhance your experience. Retail 96.71, Wholesale 73.50
christmasspiritChristmas Spirit, 5 ml —Christmas Spirit is a sweet, spicy blend of orange, cinnamon, and spruce essential oils that tap into the happiness, joy, and security associated with the holiday season. With Christmas Spirit on hand, simply open a bottle and start diffusing! Retail 13.49, Wholesale 10.25
peppermint_vitality*Peppermint Vitality, 5 ml —Peppermint Vitality essential oil has a bright, cool flavor, with benefits that include gastrointestinal comfort and normal digestion support, in addition to its great taste.* Retail 13.16, Wholesale 10.00
ERPoints*Twenty Essential Reward Points —twenty essential reward points will be available to use on or around December 20, 2016.
*Peppermint Vitality, 5 ml and 20 essential reward points are provided as a promo item when the total pv requirement is ordered through essential rewards.

300 PV

Place one single order with a 300 pv value, either through essential rewards or *quick order and, in addition to what you ordered, you will receive the following promotional items:
sacredfrankincenseSacred Frankincense, 5 ml —Sacred Frankincense essential oil comes from the distillation of the resin of the Boswellia sacra frankincense tree. This oil is ideal for those who wish to take their spiritual journey and meditation experiences to a higher level. Retail 55.59, Wholesale 42.25
myrrhMyrrh, 5 ml —Myrrh has a long history of use in skin care for its moisturizing properties to cleanse dry skin. It was highly regarded in biblical times and has an aroma that brings a deeper sense of spirituality. Retail 46.38, Wholesale 35.25
frankincenseFrankincense, 15 ml —Frankincense essential oil has an earthy, uplifting aroma that’s perfect for grounding and spiritual connectedness. Create a safe and comforting environment when you diffuse or inhale this empowering oil—a perfect opportunity to collect your thoughts. When you seek purpose or engage in prayer or meditation, use this oil to enhance your experience. Retail 96.71, Wholesale 73.50
christmasspiritChristmas Spirit, 5 ml —Christmas Spirit is a sweet, spicy blend of orange, cinnamon, and spruce essential oils that tap into the happiness, joy, and security associated with the holiday season. With Christmas Spirit on hand, simply open a bottle and start diffusing! Retail 13.49, Wholesale 10.25
peppermint_vitality*Peppermint Vitality, 5 ml —Peppermint Vitality essential oil has a bright, cool flavor, with benefits that include gastrointestinal comfort and normal digestion support, in addition to its great taste.* Retail 13.16, Wholesale 10.00
ERPoints*Twenty Essential Reward Points —twenty essential reward points will be available to use on or around December 20, 2016.
*Peppermint Vitality, 5 ml and 20 essential reward points are provided as a promo item when the total pv requirement is ordered through essential rewards.
Go here to read about ordering, and here to order!

Friday, October 28, 2016

October 2016 Promotions


100 PV

Place one single order with a 100 pv value, through essential rewards only, in addition to what you ordered, you will receive the following promotional item:
lavender_vitality *Lavender Vitality, 5 ml —Use Young Living Lavender Vitality essential oil to create elegant dishes that will impress your family and friends. The herb has a sweet, slightly floral flavor that pairs well with both rich and light foods. Retail 15.46, Wholesale 11.75
*Lavender Vitality, 5 ml, is provided as a promo item when the total pv requirement is ordered through essential rewards.

190 PV

Place one single order with a 190 pv value, either through essential rewards or *quick order and, in addition to what you ordered, you will receive the following promotional items:
24501127056_81a40fef56_o Palo Santo, 5 ml —Palo Santo has an inspiring fragrance and can be diffused for a cleansing and refreshing atmosphere. It can also be used for massage after activity. Retail 45.39, Wholesale 34.50
lavender_vitality *Lavender Vitality, 5 ml —Use Young Living Lavender Vitality essential oil to create elegant dishes that will impress your family and friends. The herb has a sweet, slightly floral flavor that pairs well with both rich and light foods. Retail 15.46, Wholesale 11.75
clove_vitality *Clove Vitality, 5 ml —Clove Vitality essential oil is the concentrated distillation of the same distinct, spicy cloves that have been used in kitchens for thousands of years. Perfect for adding flavor to both sweet and savory dishes, Clove Vitality oil includes the naturally occurring constituent eugenol and is beloved for its use as a dietary supplement. Retail 9.54, Wholesale 7.25
*Lavender Vitality, 5 ml, and Clove Vitality, 5 ml, are provided as promo items when the total pv requirement is ordered through essential rewards.

250 PV

Place one single order with a 250 pv value, either through essential rewards or *quick order and, in addition to what you ordered, you will receive the following promotional items:
thievesfruitandveggiespray Thieves Fruit & Veggie Spray, 2 oz —Young Living’s Fruit & Veggie Spray safely and effectively washes produce with the cleansing power of Thieves essential oil blend and Lime essential oil. When combined with the other naturally-derived ingredients, you can efficiently clean produce no matter where you are. Retail 10.86, Wholesale 8.25
24501127056_81a40fef56_o Palo Santo, 5 ml —Palo Santo has an inspiring fragrance and can be diffused for a cleansing and refreshing atmosphere. It can also be used for massage after activity. Retail 45.39, Wholesale 34.50
lavender_vitality *Lavender Vitality, 5 ml —Use Young Living Lavender Vitality essential oil to create elegant dishes that will impress your family and friends. The herb has a sweet, slightly floral flavor that pairs well with both rich and light foods. Retail 15.46, Wholesale 11.75
clove_vitality *Clove Vitality, 5 ml —Clove Vitality essential oil is the concentrated distillation of the same distinct, spicy cloves that have been used in kitchens for thousands of years. Perfect for adding flavor to both sweet and savory dishes, Clove Vitality oil includes the naturally occurring constituent eugenol and is beloved for its use as a dietary supplement. Retail 9.54, Wholesale 7.25
*Lavender Vitality, 5 ml, and Clove Vitality, 5 ml, are provided as promo items when the total pv requirement is ordered through essential rewards.

300 PV

Place one single order with a 300 pv value, either through essential rewards or *quick order and, in addition to what you ordered, you will receive the following promotional items:
thieveshouseholdcleaner Thieves Household Cleaner, 14.4 oz —Formulated with the power of Young Living’s Thieves oil blend, you can get a deep clean without dangerous or synthetic ingredients. This all-purpose cleaner can be used on any surface in your home for dusting, spot cleaning, scrubbing, or any other cleaning need.  Retail $28.95, Wholesale 22.00

oct16wooldryerballslavender New Zealand Wool Dryer Balls and Lavender essential oil, 5 ml pack — Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to our certified New Zealand Wool Dryer Balls and use in place of dryer sheets for a wonderfully wearable aromatic experience! Try Lavender to enjoy its wonderfully fresh, floral scent.  Retail $28.95, Wholesale 22.00
thievesfruitandveggiespray Thieves Fruit & Veggie Spray, 2 oz —Young Living’s Fruit & Veggie Spray safely and effectively washes produce with the cleansing power of Thieves essential oil blend and Lime essential oil. When combined with the other naturally-derived ingredients, you can efficiently clean produce no matter where you are. Retail 10.86, Wholesale 8.25
24501127056_81a40fef56_o Palo Santo, 5 ml —Palo Santo has an inspiring fragrance and can be diffused for a cleansing and refreshing atmosphere. It can also be used for massage after activity. Retail 45.39, Wholesale 34.50
lavender_vitality *Lavender Vitality, 5 ml —Use Young Living Lavender Vitality essential oil to create elegant dishes that will impress your family and friends. The herb has a sweet, slightly floral flavor that pairs well with both rich and light foods. Retail 15.46, Wholesale 11.75
clove_vitality *Clove Vitality, 5 ml —Clove Vitality essential oil is the concentrated distillation of the same distinct, spicy cloves that have been used in kitchens for thousands of years. Perfect for adding flavor to both sweet and savory dishes, Clove Vitality oil includes the naturally occurring constituent eugenol and is beloved for its use as a dietary supplement. Retail 9.54, Wholesale 7.25
*Lavender Vitality, 5 ml, and Clove Vitality, 5 ml, are provided as promo items when the total pv requirement is ordered through essential rewards.



Sunday, October 2, 2016

Fall Must Haves for your Skin

When Fall and Winter comes around, skin tends to get really dry. Here are some great products and recipes to keep your skin looking beautiful during these Fall/Winter months!

To order any of the above products, click here!

If you're interested in getting a wholesale membership, here is what you can get with a Premium Starter Kit. You can take advantage of Young Living's Income Opportunity, or just get oils at the discount for yourself!

Until next time!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fall Wellness Favorites

To continue on with the Fall post from yesterday, here are some wellness favorites this season!

All of these products can be ordered here, either as a wholesale or retail customer

Have a great day!
