About Jenn

Hello! I am Jennifer (call me Jenn), the writer behind Happy.Healthy.Oily Life.

I started this blog as a way to share my passion with essential oils and other natural health and wellness topics. 

I am a stay at home mom to two wonderful kiddos, and wife to an amazing, supportive husband. I've been a stay at home mom for over 3 years now. Essential Oils came into my life at the end of 2014. A friend was selling them, and with it being in the Fall/Winter months, I needed something for immune system support for my family. That's when I decided to purchase a bottle of Thieves Essential Oil. I was HOOKED after that one purchase! Thieves Essential Oil is amazing! So, a few months later, I decided to purchase the Premium Starter Kit from Young Living Essential Oils. It made the most sense, as you get the most "bang for your buck" with that kit. I had no intention on going the business route with Young Living. I just wanted to get the oils at a discount for myself. Well, several months later, and after sharing the oils with some friends and family, I received my first "thank you check", aka commission check. I was thrilled! That's when I decided to go the business route, and I have not looked back. I am glad I made the decision, as it has helped me contribute financially to the family (and still be able to stay at home with the kids)!

Stick around a while, check out all my posts, and let me know if you have any questions/comments. I love getting feedback, and connecting with others!


>>Contact me here<<

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