Saturday, September 3, 2016

How to get your Premium Starter Kit Paid For?

The Premium Starter Kit is a favorite of the Happy.Healthy.Oily Life team! In fact, it is what the majority of us started our oily journey with. It is a fantastic value, in that you get the products at almost 50% off. It really is the best way to get started. Did you know you can get your kit paid for in a month? Yes, you can!

It's so simple because the oils speak for themselves. Here is how you can get your starter kit paid for (reimbursed):

1. If you haven't already purchased your kit, you will need to do that first. Don't worry, I am going to show you how to get reimbursed for your kit in your first month. Go ahead and get your Premium Starter Kit here. I'll send you some free welcome goodies (scroll down towards the bottom of the Specials page), plus you will get support and education from my team, no matter where you live.

2. Next, you need to share with 3 friends. Who do you know that could benefit from the products (in the Premium Starter Kit)...a diffuser and oils? You have until the end of your enrollment month to earn enough to pay for your kit (in the form of will get a check from Young Living, that will be enough to cover the cost of your kit). You don't even have to wait for your kit to arrive to begin sharing!

Are you reading this AFTER your enrollment month has ended? Don't worry, you can still keep sharing! You will have to have 100PV in the month in order to earn the $50 bonus for new starter kit sign ups. {We do have an optional Essential Rewards autoship program to help you get the most benefit for you and your family.} 

When you have family and/or friends that are ready to start their journey with essential oils, and get the awesome Premium Starter Kit, give them this link so they can sign up. Just remember to replace the blanks with your member number (found in your virtual office).

There you go! Go through these steps and share from your heart. The oils will speak for themselves. For each family/friend that signs up, you earn $50 for sharing something you love. (*with a qualifying month)

Do you need help sharing? This is a great part about being on my team! I am here to help you! Contact me

Still have questions? Do you want to learn more about essential oils? Check out my Essential Oils page!

*What is a qualifying month? To earn bonuses and commissions on new sign ups with the Premium Starter Kit, you will need to have 100PV in that calendar month. Essential Rewards is a great way to do that, so you are shopping at wholesale, and earning Essential Rewards points at the same time.

~ jenn ~

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