Thursday, September 8, 2016

Young Living Income Opportunity-Part 3

This post is the final post in the Young Living Income Opportunity series. See Young Living Income Opportunity-Part 1 and Young Living Income Opportunity-Part 2.

Let's discuss rank qualifications. The graphic above does a great job explaining the different requirements to rank up. It doesn’t tell you exactly what you need to do to achieve it. If you want to rank up you need to be present with your organization, you need to model how to be a leader, you need to give them resources to better their organizations: forms, graphics, their enrollment link, etc. Meet with your team for coffee and just talk about oils. Message your people and ask about their family. Provide incentives for them. Create your own private Facebook group, so your organization can communicate with each other. Most importantly, DO NOT GIVE UP and REMAIN POSITIVE. I love positivity, and I am drawn to positive people and leaders. You will alienate your organization if you talk negative about others, the company, products, etc. Think Law of Attraction.

Elite Express is an amazing reward program Young Living offers leaders who hustle and grow, so why not go for it!

The next step for you is to go for it. What do you have to lose? Share your passion. If you overhear someone complaining about a problem, suggest oils. Have oils with you to share. Post graphics on Facebook asking if anyone wants a sample. Take beautiful pictures and edit them with your phone and share them on Instagram and hashtag it! Invest in an extra diffuser and loan it out. Meet one on one with a friend or family member. Bring your oils and let them experience it. Host a booth at a local vendor event. Host an online class like this one (or on Facebook): it is super easy and most of the time it is just copy and paste (talk to your upline about it). Invest in yourself and your business, so it will grow, so try new products. What are some other ways you share? You may comment below. 

This wraps up highlights of the Young Living Opportunity. If you have any questions/comments/feedback at all, please comment below, or email me! I look forward to hearing from you!


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