Thursday, September 8, 2016

Young Living Income Opportunity-Part 1

I am excited to present to you some highlights of the Young Living Essential Oils Income Opportunity! 

First things first...what are your goals? Why do you want to pursue the business side of Young Living? Do you want enough income just to pay for your kit, pay for your monthly oil purchase, save up for a much needed vacation, retire early or retire your spouse, pay off debt, and/or donate to causes that touch your heart? In Young Living, there is limitless opportunity. You can live life by your rules, not anyone else's!

What are your goals for your Young Living business? If you are currently not a business builder, feel free to come up with goals as well. You may comment below.

Also, see Young Living's 2015 Income Disclosure Statement.

To actually envision your goals and where you want to go, you need to know about the ranks and what their average incomes are. Again, these are averages. It is ultimately about you and your passion and push. Envisioning your goals and positively working towards those goals is KEY. Check out the monthly income of the ranks of Platinum, Diamond, Crown Diamond, and Royal Crown Diamond. They are truly life changing incomes! What would you do when you reach these ranks? You may comment below.

To begin in the Young Living business, you need to order a Premium Starter Kit. The initial $160 investment in your own family's health can lead to an abundant career. It is possible to get your kit paid for (through commissions) in your first month! Read here to see how to do that. All I do to sell these kits usually is share a graphic and respond to family and friends who are interested. I am present in their lives. They are seeking support and help for their personal problems, and I made myself available to help them. I am not sales pitchy. I just tell them my story, and how I use the oils. Being and remaining present in their lives is another KEY. 

 One of the most intimidating aspects of learning any new business is the new lingo and jargon. In Young Living, there is PV, OGV, PSK (Premium Starter Kit) and it can be a bit confusing. What I did was research. I spoke with my leaders, I became present in Facebook groups, I looked at other leaders’ videos, and I went to the Young Living homepage and Virtual Office to educate myself on all of the terms. Sure, I forgot on occasion what different things meant, but as I stayed the course in the company, I have become more confident in my knowledge of these terms and my understanding of the definitions. What term is the most confusing for you to understand? You may comment below.

This wraps up Part One of the Young Living Income Opportunity. Feel free to comment below with any comments/feedback/questions. I'd love to hear from you! Also, visit our Facebook page

Up next...Young Living Income Opportunity Part 2.



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