Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fall Wellness Favorites

To continue on with the Fall post from yesterday, here are some wellness favorites this season!

All of these products can be ordered here, either as a wholesale or retail customer

Have a great day!


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Autumn Diffuser Blends

It is FINALLY feeling like Fall here in South Texas! I'd like to share some diffuser blends that will make it even feel and smell more like Fall!

Try them out! I know I am!

If you need to order any oils, go here.

Happy Fall Y'all!


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Young Living Income Opportunity-Part 3

This post is the final post in the Young Living Income Opportunity series. See Young Living Income Opportunity-Part 1 and Young Living Income Opportunity-Part 2.

Let's discuss rank qualifications. The graphic above does a great job explaining the different requirements to rank up. It doesn’t tell you exactly what you need to do to achieve it. If you want to rank up you need to be present with your organization, you need to model how to be a leader, you need to give them resources to better their organizations: forms, graphics, their enrollment link, etc. Meet with your team for coffee and just talk about oils. Message your people and ask about their family. Provide incentives for them. Create your own private Facebook group, so your organization can communicate with each other. Most importantly, DO NOT GIVE UP and REMAIN POSITIVE. I love positivity, and I am drawn to positive people and leaders. You will alienate your organization if you talk negative about others, the company, products, etc. Think Law of Attraction.

Elite Express is an amazing reward program Young Living offers leaders who hustle and grow, so why not go for it!

The next step for you is to go for it. What do you have to lose? Share your passion. If you overhear someone complaining about a problem, suggest oils. Have oils with you to share. Post graphics on Facebook asking if anyone wants a sample. Take beautiful pictures and edit them with your phone and share them on Instagram and hashtag it! Invest in an extra diffuser and loan it out. Meet one on one with a friend or family member. Bring your oils and let them experience it. Host a booth at a local vendor event. Host an online class like this one (or on Facebook): it is super easy and most of the time it is just copy and paste (talk to your upline about it). Invest in yourself and your business, so it will grow, so try new products. What are some other ways you share? You may comment below. 

This wraps up highlights of the Young Living Opportunity. If you have any questions/comments/feedback at all, please comment below, or email me! I look forward to hearing from you!


Young Living Income Opportunity-Part 2

This post is a continuation of Young Living Income Opportunity-Part 1.

If you plan on being a business builder, it is vitally important for you to be on Essential Rewards. First, it is important to maintain a 100PV for Essential Rewards so that you ensure you are not missing any commission. In addition to maintaining the 100PV for Essential Rewards, it is also a great idea to try to spend enough to earn free products from the monthly promotions. Even if you do not use all of the products you earn for free, you can use them as incentives to build your team, or as samples when you share your oily love. Starting this month (September 2016), the Essential Rewards program has gotten even better, and the points back are even greater! Check it out. Who is on Essential Rewards already? If not, what is holding you back?

From Distributor to Executive ranks (Distributor, Star, Senior Star, Executive), you can get paid four ways: Start Living Bonus, Fast Start Bonus, Rising Star Bonus, and Unilevel Commissions. Like I said above, the best way to earn all bonuses and commissions is to maintain 100PV on Essential Rewards. If you are not on ER, but maintain the 100PV monthly order, you will qualify for the Start Living Bonus, Fast Start Bonus, and Unilevel Commissions, so you will forfeit the Rising Star Bonus. If you only maintain a 50PV order, you will only get the Start Living Bonus and the Fast Start Bonus.  Also, in order to rank up you will need to maintain 100PV, so if you are consistently just making 50PV orders, you may be losing the opportunity to not only earn more but to also reach a higher rank.

Let’s looks at the Start Living Bonus and the Fast Start Bonus. These bonuses are so easy to get! If you enroll someone with a premium starter kit, you get the bonus if you have the monthly 50PV. Look at the graphic above to get a better understanding.

The Rising Star Bonus is really a great opportunity to see your check grow. This bonus requires you to be on Essential Rewards and maintain 100PV on ER. In addition to the PV requirement, it is also important to have legs in your organization. This is where strategic placement comes into play. If you ever want to earn this bonus, one method many builders use is strategic placement. Let’s say you enroll 7 people one month. Let’s say 3 of those are work friends, 2 are family members, and 2 are your gym friends. You may want to leave one of your work friends, family members, and gym friends at your level 1 and move the others below them. Review the above graphic to see the three levels of bonus for the Rising Star Bonus.

Let’s talk about Unilevel Commissions. If you place a 100PV order a month either through quick order or through Essential Rewards, you qualify for Unilevel Commissions. How much you earn depends on your rank. See the graphic above to explain the different ranks and the commissions you can earn from them. 

This wraps up Part 2 of the Young Living Income Opportunity. Fee free to comment below with comments/feedback/questions. I'd love to hear from you!

Up next - Young Living Income Opportunity-Part 3.


Young Living Income Opportunity-Part 1

I am excited to present to you some highlights of the Young Living Essential Oils Income Opportunity! 

First things first...what are your goals? Why do you want to pursue the business side of Young Living? Do you want enough income just to pay for your kit, pay for your monthly oil purchase, save up for a much needed vacation, retire early or retire your spouse, pay off debt, and/or donate to causes that touch your heart? In Young Living, there is limitless opportunity. You can live life by your rules, not anyone else's!

What are your goals for your Young Living business? If you are currently not a business builder, feel free to come up with goals as well. You may comment below.

Also, see Young Living's 2015 Income Disclosure Statement.

To actually envision your goals and where you want to go, you need to know about the ranks and what their average incomes are. Again, these are averages. It is ultimately about you and your passion and push. Envisioning your goals and positively working towards those goals is KEY. Check out the monthly income of the ranks of Platinum, Diamond, Crown Diamond, and Royal Crown Diamond. They are truly life changing incomes! What would you do when you reach these ranks? You may comment below.

To begin in the Young Living business, you need to order a Premium Starter Kit. The initial $160 investment in your own family's health can lead to an abundant career. It is possible to get your kit paid for (through commissions) in your first month! Read here to see how to do that. All I do to sell these kits usually is share a graphic and respond to family and friends who are interested. I am present in their lives. They are seeking support and help for their personal problems, and I made myself available to help them. I am not sales pitchy. I just tell them my story, and how I use the oils. Being and remaining present in their lives is another KEY. 

 One of the most intimidating aspects of learning any new business is the new lingo and jargon. In Young Living, there is PV, OGV, PSK (Premium Starter Kit) and it can be a bit confusing. What I did was research. I spoke with my leaders, I became present in Facebook groups, I looked at other leaders’ videos, and I went to the Young Living homepage and Virtual Office to educate myself on all of the terms. Sure, I forgot on occasion what different things meant, but as I stayed the course in the company, I have become more confident in my knowledge of these terms and my understanding of the definitions. What term is the most confusing for you to understand? You may comment below.

This wraps up Part One of the Young Living Income Opportunity. Feel free to comment below with any comments/feedback/questions. I'd love to hear from you! Also, visit our Facebook page

Up next...Young Living Income Opportunity Part 2.



Monday, September 5, 2016

Motivation Monday 9/5/16

I'm a bit late posting this today (we've been out of town), but I like to start off the week on Monday's with a motivation quote.

Here's today's!

Have a great Monday!


Saturday, September 3, 2016

How to get your Premium Starter Kit Paid For?

The Premium Starter Kit is a favorite of the Happy.Healthy.Oily Life team! In fact, it is what the majority of us started our oily journey with. It is a fantastic value, in that you get the products at almost 50% off. It really is the best way to get started. Did you know you can get your kit paid for in a month? Yes, you can!

It's so simple because the oils speak for themselves. Here is how you can get your starter kit paid for (reimbursed):

1. If you haven't already purchased your kit, you will need to do that first. Don't worry, I am going to show you how to get reimbursed for your kit in your first month. Go ahead and get your Premium Starter Kit here. I'll send you some free welcome goodies (scroll down towards the bottom of the Specials page), plus you will get support and education from my team, no matter where you live.

2. Next, you need to share with 3 friends. Who do you know that could benefit from the products (in the Premium Starter Kit)...a diffuser and oils? You have until the end of your enrollment month to earn enough to pay for your kit (in the form of will get a check from Young Living, that will be enough to cover the cost of your kit). You don't even have to wait for your kit to arrive to begin sharing!

Are you reading this AFTER your enrollment month has ended? Don't worry, you can still keep sharing! You will have to have 100PV in the month in order to earn the $50 bonus for new starter kit sign ups. {We do have an optional Essential Rewards autoship program to help you get the most benefit for you and your family.} 

When you have family and/or friends that are ready to start their journey with essential oils, and get the awesome Premium Starter Kit, give them this link so they can sign up. Just remember to replace the blanks with your member number (found in your virtual office).

There you go! Go through these steps and share from your heart. The oils will speak for themselves. For each family/friend that signs up, you earn $50 for sharing something you love. (*with a qualifying month)

Do you need help sharing? This is a great part about being on my team! I am here to help you! Contact me

Still have questions? Do you want to learn more about essential oils? Check out my Essential Oils page!

*What is a qualifying month? To earn bonuses and commissions on new sign ups with the Premium Starter Kit, you will need to have 100PV in that calendar month. Essential Rewards is a great way to do that, so you are shopping at wholesale, and earning Essential Rewards points at the same time.

~ jenn ~

Friday, September 2, 2016

Compensation Plan

If you’re ready to achieve your dream of independence and security, Young Living’s generous, industry-leading compensation plan will help you get there. It’s all about caring for their Young Living family, and another example of their commitment to total body wellness. Through Young Living’s three-level approach, they’ve developed an efficient structure to help you build your business with compensation that rewards you as you grow.

1. Create a Foundation
Every business needs a solid foundation. With Young Living’s Rising Star Team Bonus you can achieve abundance as you progress from distributor all the way up to executive.

2. Build Your Business
Once you’ve seen the benefits of being your own business, you’re ready to share that experience with others. Build on your foundation by adding others to your team to achieve shared success.

3. Become a Leader
With an established business and a passion for inspiring wellness through Young Living, you’re ready to take the mission worldwide as you lead others to success.

2015 Young Living Income Disclosure Statement 

Compensation Plan Highlights



Ready to join Young Living and the Happy.Healthy.Oily Life team?

Click >>here<< and follow the directions on the Order page.

Essential Rewards Program & Essential Rewards FAQs

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to create a grocery list online with your favorite grocery store? Then when you go to the store you can access your list, grab the items you need, and get out. Thus, possibly, preventing the all-too-often “Oh shoot, I forgot (insert the grocery item you forgot here)!”

Well, then, you are really going to love the essential rewards program! You get to keep a list of the items you want to try, run out of most, etc. in the special program area and you can update, change, remove items as much as you like up until the “day of” your essential rewards auto-ship date.

The program only requires one to obtain a nominal 50 PV per month. By the way, PV stands for product value and is typically the amount of the items wholesale price. You are always free to go over that amount. If you are building a business with Young Living you will want to maintain a 100 PV order each month to earn commission.

Basically, when you sign up for the essential rewards program you (agree to and receive):

  • placing an order each month
  • reduced shipping
  • priority over regular orders — ER orders get the product first and faster
  • 10% of PV back in product, months 1-3
  • 20% back months 4-24
  • 25% back 25+ months
  • gifts awarded at 3, 6, and 9 months
  • special gift awarded at 12 months
  • the ability to change your auto ship date each month
  • the ability to change the products you get each month
  • start/stop/maintain the program as you desire
Super simple, right?!

When you are signing up, you get to pick the day your order processes. That’ll happen at 11:59 MST of your date. You’ll notice some days are unavailable. YL puts a cap on how many ER orders they have per day. If you are really set on that date, you can try to switch it next month. (It helps YL out if you don’t make your ER date too close to the end of the month.)

Your order will typically ship 1-2 business days after your selected date.

Then just sit back and wait for FedEx to bring it to your door!

Essential Rewards FAQs

What is Young Living’s Essential Rewards Program?
Essential Rewards Program is an automatic monthly order processed on the same day of each month (you can change this date each month, if you so desire). For example, if you place your very first order on January 1, all your future autoship orders will be processed on the first day of each month, unless you select to change to a different date, which can be done each month.

How does Essential Rewards Program work?
The best way for you to get the most out of your Young Living membership is with Young Living’s Essential Rewards Program. In today’s busy world, we need all the help we can get. That’s where Essential Rewards Program comes in. Young Living sells many products that you can use on a daily basis. These include Young Living’s nutritious meal replacements and supplements, household cleaning products, and personal care items; in other words, things you would normally purchase from the supermarket. Essential Rewards Program eliminates the need to buy inferior quality and chemical laden supermarket goods as well as eliminating harsh chemicals from your life, all while saving you valuable time and money.

How many times per month can I order through the Essential Rewards Program?
Once per each calendar month.
What are the benefits of Essential Rewards Program?
Essential Rewards Program makes ordering Young Living products easy! Have the products you use and need shipped straight to your door every month without ever running out. Young Living members on Essential Rewards Program can qualify for special bonuses, such as reduced postage price and reward points, which can be redeemed for Young Living products.
For those members taking advantage of Young Living’s generous compensation plan, a minimum 100 PV Essential Rewards Program order ensures you qualify at the minimum rank—no forgetting to place a qualifying order!
What can I order on Essential Rewards Program?
You can order almost anything you like on Essential Rewards Program! However, there are a few exceptions: new items (for about 6 months after release), starter kits, items that do not have the same PV value as wholesale dollar amount, and a few other “special” items. We recommend ordering items you use on an everyday basis, such as Young Living’s powerful antioxidant drink NingXia Red and OmegaGize3 fish oil capsules. Young Living has a fantastic range of everyday household goods, such as toothpaste, mouthwash, skincare products, shampoos and conditioners, meal replacements, health supplements, and other items you would normally buy at your local supermarket. You can also pick and choose from their range of therapeutic-grade essential oils to complete your collection.
Do I receive the same products each month?
If you make no changes to your Essential Rewards Program, you will receive the same product order as the month prior. We recommend ordering items you use on an everyday basis to avoid having to make changes to your Essential Rewards Program.
What if I want to order different products?
You can make changes to your Essential Rewards Program order via your Virtual Office right up until the day your order is scheduled to process. You are supposed to be able to change your order until midnight of the same day your order is scheduled to process but this is not always the case. To be safe, you should make any changes to your ER no later than Noon of the day your order is scheduled to process.
If you are “computer shy” you can also call Young Living’s customer service department and they can help you make changes to your ER order.
Can I change my Essential Rewards Program online?
Yes, you can. The easiest way to change your Essential Rewards Program is to log-in to your virtual office and click the link on the left-hand panel that says ‘Essential Rewards’. Be sure to do this at least one day before your Essential Rewards Program is due for processing otherwise your order will remain the same as the month prior. Remember to go through all of the windows so that your changes will save before exiting.
How much do I need to spend each month?
Essential Rewards Program orders require a minimum monthly spend of 50 PV. Each product in Young Living’s price list has an assigned PV (Personal Volume) value. You can order nearly anything you like as long as the total PV is at least 50. And as an added bonus, every month you will earn reward points, which you can redeem for Young Living product(s)!
What are reward points?
You earn reward points every time you place an Essential Rewards Program order. One reward point is redeemable for 1 PV of product. For the first three months, when you are enrolled and place your monthly Essential Rewards Program order, you earn 10% of the total PV of your monthly Essential Rewards Program order. For example, if your monthly order is 100 PV, you will earn 10 reward points each month for the first three months—a total of 30 points, which can be redeemed for 30 PV of product! If you stay enrolled in Essential Rewards Program for longer than three months, you will then earn 20% of the total PV of your monthly Essential Rewards Program order from the fourth to twenty-fourth months of your Essential Rewards Program.
Finally, if you stay enrolled for 25 months or longer, you will earn a massive 25% of the total PV of your monthly Essential Rewards Program order from the 25th month onwards. 

The best part is you can redeem your reward points on your favorite Young Living products*!
How do I redeem my reward points?
After placing two consecutive Essential Rewards Program orders, effective from your third month, you may choose to redeem your reward points. For example, if your first order is in January and you place your second order in February, you can redeem your reward points in March. You are not required to redeem your points after your second order—you may wish to accumulate your points to redeem on Young Living product with a greater PV. 

Note: a maximum of 350 reward points may be redeemed per month.
You can redeem your reward points either through your virtual office or by phoning a Young Living customer service representative.
Do my reward points expire?
Reward points expire on a rolling 12-month basis. For example, points earned in January 2016 will not expire until January 2017. Should you decide to cancel your Essential Rewards Program order, any accumulated reward points you may have will be deemed void.
How many reward points do I have?
You can easily check the balance of your reward points in your virtual office.
Can I cancel my Essential Rewards Program?
Yes, at any time. For security purposes, this cannot be done on the website. Please phone Customer Care if you wish to cancel your autoship. Be aware if you cancel your autoship (ER program) and select to restart again, you will begin anew. Nothing is placed on hold. You simply start fresh.
Can I change the date of my Essential Rewards Program?
Yes, you can. Simply log-in to virtual office and click ‘Essential Rewards’, then follow the prompts. You can also phone, fax, or e-mail Customer Care.
How do I pay for my Essential Rewards Program order?
Essential Rewards Program orders are automatic, so automatic payment methods are required. Accepted are Visa and MasterCard credit or debit cards, or direct debit from your nominated bank account. If you select direct debit as your chosen payment method, you must complete a Direct Debit Agreement form.
Sounds great! How do I sign up?
Joining Essential Rewards Program is easy. Log into your Virtual Office and select “Essential Rewards” on the left side menu list then follow the prompts. If you have any issues or questions, please contact the member who brought you to Young Living or call Young Living’s customer care center.
What is “PV Assistant?”
PV Assistant is a program to help ensure you reach your monthly ER goal. For instance, if you want to ensure you spend 190 in pv points to earn the 190 pv promo items, then you would set your “PV Assistant” to 190 and select items to equal or exceed 190 pv. The only time those items are used is if a product that is on your essential rewards order suddenly goes out of stock, then the program kicks in and replaces that item with an item that will closely match in pv to help you not fall below your 190 pv goal.
This program only takes place once you sign up for it. You should see “PV Assistant” in the left side menu under “Essential Rewards.”
Additional Notes:
*From time to time, some products may not be available on Essential Rewards points redemption orders. For more information, please contact Customer Care.
Products that cannot be redeemed on Essential Rewards points (subject to change):

  • Rose Essential Oil 5 ml
  • Any new product for at least 3-6 months
  • Any item without a PV value
  • Essential Rewards Program packs
  • Starter kits
  • All diffusers

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Essential Oils: How do they work?

How Do Essential Oils Work?

Essential oils enter the body in three ways depending on the oils classification. They can be:

  • Applied to the skin (topical)
  • Inhaled (aromatic)
  • Ingested (dietary supplement)
Be sure to check the essential oils label so you know if the oil is classified as topical/aromatic or dietary supplement.


How does skin application work?

Essential oils can be applied topically to the skin. Common examples include applying a blend that contains wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) and helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum) essential oil to soothe the skin after normal exercise, or applying German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) essential oil to ease dry skin.


How does this work?

Our skin is somewhat permeable. The active chemicals in essential oils are absorbed by the skin.


Factors That Increase Skin Absorption

Different factors can affect the absorption of essential oils through the skin. If you massage the area first, it will increase circulation to that area, thereby causing an increase in absorption of essential oils. Heat will likewise increase circulation and thus enhance absorption.
Some researchers report that essential oils may be more readily absorbed from skin locations with greater concentrations of sweat glands and hair follicles, such as the head, soles, palms, and armpits (Battaglia, 2003).


How do I inhale essential oils?

Another way that essential oils enter the body is inhalation through the nose or mouth. Common examples include inhaling eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globules, E. radiate, or E. smithii) essential oil to cleanse and freshen the air or inhaling  wintergreen essential oil to provide an overall feeling of energy. (Note: Often, essential oils are put into a diffuser for inhalation.)


The Olfactory System

The olfactory system includes all physical organs or cells relating to, or contributing to, the sense of smell. When we inhale through the nose, airborne molecules interact with the olfactory organs and, almost immediately, the brain.
Molecules inhaled through the nose or mouth are also carried to the lungs and interact with the respiratory system. Thus, inhaled essential oils can support the body through several systems and pathways.


Interaction with the Limbic System (Emotional Brain)

During inhalation, odor molecules travel through the nose and affect the brain through a variety of receptor sites, one of which is the limbic system, which is commonly referred to as the “emotional brain.”
“Smell is a potent wizard that transports us across thousands of miles and all the years we have lived.” Helen Keller


Do people ingest essential oils?

Before answering this question, let us just say this is an “extremely” sensitive topic. Some are passionate about their decision. While others are so overly-passionate that they will use scare-tactics to influence you to only do as they deemed right for them. However, they forget that, as with most issues, there are two-sides to everything. When it comes to essential oils, there are actually three philosophies (German, British, and French) about when/how to use them. We feel it is up to the user to carefully research all philosophies and make a decision that he/she feels most comfortable. With that said, let’s move forward with answering this question.

The third way that essential oils enter the body is by ingestion (swallowing). The only essential oils that should ever be ingested are 100% pure, sustainably grown, essential oils labeled specifically as dietary supplements. The only absolutely pure essential oils that we are aware of are Young Living Essential Oils (see Young Living’s Seed to Seal purity promise at Young Living’s Vitality line of oils are labeled for internal use (dietary supplements).

Did you know an essential oil can be labeled as “pure” as long as no less than 5% of it is actually pure? That leaves 95% of the remaining bottle to be whatever (fillers, additives, etc.)! Find a company that guarantees the oil to be 100% pure! Remember, not all oils are okay to ingest, even 100% pure oils. Be sure to ask where your oil came from, where the farm is located, and ask if you can visit the farm. Always follow the instructions on the oil bottles label.

Works Credit: Parts of this post were adapted from the University of Minnesota’s article.

YL Product FAQs

Below are questions asked to Young Living with answers that come directly from Young Living.

Are Young Living essential oils certified organic?

Young Living prides itself on offering the purest and most effective essential oils possible, and we are often asked if our oils are certified organic. The organic certification, while important, is far from the only standard of quality by which to judge essential oils. Young Living practices a unique Seed to Seal® quality process that goes beyond the current organic standard in many ways. At Young Living, we don’t just rely on others to verify the purity of our oils. We work directly with our farms, growers, and distillers to ensure the quality, integrity, and authenticity of every product we produce. Our passion and commitment is to produce 100-percent pure, unadulterated essential oils that retain all of the natural constituents and therapeutic properties nature intended. Our Seed to Seal process ensures the purest therapeutic-grade essential oils through careful monitoring of every step of essential oil production—from the time a seed is sourced until the oil is sealed in the bottle. Every batch of our essential oils, whether cultivated on our own farms or by one of our carefully vetted partner growers, is rigorously tested and subjected to careful review through every step of production and meets or exceeds industry safety and purity standards. Young Living’s dedication to quality ensures that we provide pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils with the complete, optimal blend of plant constituents to provide maximum potency and results. As millions of satisfied members and customers across the globe can testify, Young Living sets the standard for purity and quality in the essential oil industry. While standards and guidelines can vary and be modified, our dedication to providing the safest, most beneficial essential oils in the world will never change.

Does Young Living use pesticides?

We do not use pesticides at our Young Living farms or our partner farms. Both our farm practices and finished products are held to strict standards, and with the measures we have in place, we feel confident that we offer our members the best, purest products available.

What tests does Young Living conduct on their essential oils?

Young Living uses its own internal labs and third-party facilities to verify that Young Living purity and potency standards are met. Each batch of essential oil is sent through six rigorous tests and must meet established quality benchmarks to pass through successfully.

* Mass Spectrometer—Identifies the names of each constituent (plant chemicals) in the oil.
*Gas Chromatograph—Measures the percentage of constituents in the oil.
*Refractive Index—Measures the density of the oil using a concentrated beam of light.
*Specific Gravity—Measures how heavy the oil is as compared to water.
*Flash Point—Ignites the oil and tests it against standard flash temperatures.
*Optical Rotation—Measures the molecular structure of the oil.

Once the tests are complete, the results are compared to the vast library of information Young Living has amassed over 20 years. This library of oil data is unmatched in the industry. If the incoming oils do not meet the established profile, they are rejected and not allowed to be bottled as a Young Living product.

What is the shelf life of Young Living oils?

Young Living’s essential oils do not expire and will maintain their integrity, efficacy, and beneficial properties virtually indefinitely, provided they are stored properly in a dark-glass bottle, upright and tightly sealed, out of sunlight, and in cool temperatures.


Can I store essential oils in plastic containers?

We recommend that members store essential oils in their original containers. However, if you would like to store your oils in different containers, we recommend using dark-colored glass. We do not recommend storing undiluted essential oils in plastic containers because many essential oils are incompatible with plastic material.

Are essential oils safe for use on or around animals?

Many people successfully use Young Living products with their animals. We offer Animal Scents™ products that are designed for use with animals, including an Animal Scents oil collection. For more information on this collection, please visit

Are Young Living essential oils distilled multiple times?

Each batch of Young Living essential oil is only processed/distilled from plants once before bottling.

How are Young Living essential oils created?

Essential oils are aromatic liquids distilled or extracted from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, fruit, and seeds. Most Young Living essential oils are extracted using steam distillation. Our food-grade stainless steel distillers are based on a state-of-the-art design that uses very low pressure and low temperature, which is critical for preserving all of the fragile therapeutic constituents of essential oils. Plants are steam distilled in small batches for extended periods using a special low-pressure, low-heat vertical steam technology. Our citrus oils are cold pressed from the rinds of their designated fruit, such as bergamot, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, and lemon. No solvents or synthetic chemicals of any kind are used or added in either method.

Is it possible to be allergic to essential oils?

Essential oils do not generally contain the proteins responsible for allergic reactions, which minimizes the likelihood of an allergic reaction. However, individual sensitivities do vary, and people can still experience sensitivities to essential oils. When using a new essential oil, dilution and a skin spot test is a good idea to ensure that you do not experience any sensitivity to that particular oil.


How many drops are in a 5-ml and 15-ml bottle of essential oil?

There are approximately 85 drops (1 teaspoon) in a 5-ml bottle and approximately 250 drops (1 tablespoon) in a 15-ml bottle.

Are essential oils still effective and safe to use if they have been left in the heat?

UV exposure will cause the greatest damage to the constituents of essential oils, and heat and light combined will affect them even more quickly. If a package is delivered and sitting on the porch for several hours (or even a few days), but the oils are not directly exposed to UV light, the efficacy of the oils will not be compromised. If the oil is hot, cool it before using. Prolonged exposure to light will cause the oil constituents to change or diminish.

Can essential oils be used neat (without dilution) on the skin?

Some essential oils can be used neat on the skin. All label instructions should be followed. Our labels indicate when an essential oil should be diluted. If it is an essential oil that you have never used, dilution and a skin spot test is a good idea to ensure that you do not experience any sensitivity to that particular essential oil.

Can essential oils be ingested?

Many essential oils can be ingested. All of our oils that can be ingested feature a white Supplement Facts box on the product label and dietary usage instructions online. Research indicates that some oils are more effective when taken orally. Only pure essential oils, proven safe and labeled as dietary supplements, should be used internally. Dilution and dosage is dependent on the age, size, and the health constitution of the individual. Follow the recommended dosage on individual product labels to ensure safety or seek the advice of a health professional before administering oils internally.

Can I cook with essential oils? How much do I use?

You can add essential oils in your favorite recipes that call for dried herbs, spices, or fruit juices. Simply replace these ingredients with the equivalent essential oil. Keep in mind that essential oils have a much stronger flavor than dried herbs and spices, so a much smaller amount is generally sufficient. We recommend starting out with small amounts of oil, and then increasing the amount according to your own taste. Also, remember that essential oils have highly volatile constituents and can be changed or altered during the cooking process, so it is best to avoid exposing them to extreme heat. This can be prevented by lowering your stovetop temperature, using essential oils in conjunction with extra virgin olive oil, or by adding oils after the dish has been removed from heat.
These ratios can also provide a guideline for how much essential oil to use in substitutions:

• Juice or zest of 1 citrus fruit = 10–15 drops of oil
• 1 liquid tablespoon or more = ½–1 drop of oil
• Less than 1 tablespoon = 1 toothpick swirl of oil


Do essential oils contain the vitamins present in the plant?

Due to the distillation process, there are no appreciable amounts of vitamins in essential oils.

Does Young Living provide testing reports for its essential oils?

Every batch of Young Living essential oil goes through stringent GC/MS testing to ensure our strict standards are met. These reports are proprietary and regarded as trade secrets.


Does Young Living practice sustainable growing methods?

We are committed to being responsible stewards of the environment and take great care to preserve and protect our planet’s natural resources. These core values are evident in our Seed to Seal® philosophy, which promotes sustainable farming and sourcing practices, while enabling us to produce the purest, most potent essential oils in the world.

What does Young Living do with the leftover material from oil distillation?

The remaining material from oil distillation is used in compost.

What is Young Living’s policy regarding Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)?

Young Living takes pride in utilizing the highest quality botanicals for its essential oils and oil-infused products. Every effort is made to ensure that the ingredients in our products are the purest and most potent available. Young Living goes to great lengths to formulate and use non-GMO (genetically modified organism) sources for its products whenever they are both verifiable and available. Although in the majority of cases we are able to certify that Young Living product ingredients are non-GMO, there are instances when sourcing and manufacturing constraints require the use of botanicals and materials that are uncertified or untraceable back to a verifiable non-GMO source. In addition, there are no clear guidelines on unified labeling standards from U.S. government agencies regarding non-GMO labeling. We reaffirm our commitment to offering safe, effective, and high-quality products to our customers and members around the world. We are continuously researching ways to provide the highest quality and most natural products for our members.

Are Young Living products tested on animals?

Young Living has a policy against testing the efficacy or safety of its products on animals. Young Living’s products are formulated to be safe for nearly all users, and animal testing is neither required nor performed in our product development process.

How does Young Living ensure that its products do not contain heavy metals?

All raw ingredients used in Young Living products are tested for contaminants, including heavy metals, and must meet strict specifications.

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